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Flange type sounds like a long word for something that sometimes seems so little and not much to do but it has its work! Flanges are a method of connecting pipes, valves and other equipment to form a piping system. Selecting the proper flange type for your application is important in maintaining a well-running system. This informative read will provide a deeper look at the various types of flanges, their advancements and where they are used according to industry needs.

Selecting the Flange Type for your Application

Flanges are importantly shaped parts and come in many types each serving a different purpose. The pressure and temperature of the system for which it will be used are by far some basic consideration to make in selecting a flange type. This influences the material of the flange, ranging from robust steel and stainless steel to malleable plastic and rubber. The type of pipe and its size that will be connected with the flange is another feature to consider as it determines if you have a proper match-up in your piping system.

Why choose Pingcheng flange type?

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