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Plat tutup

Apakah Anda menyukai desain bergaya pada topi? Berputar-putar Dan Anda pernah bertanya-tanya: bagaimana bisa topi-topi itu memiliki bentuk yang mewah? Alat khusus: penekan panas pelat ganda otomatis heated platen press one by which you can make such amazing designs is cap platen and some other supplies available in the markets. A cap platen is suitable for embroidering or sewing hats and caps. Connects to embroidery machine and holds hat securely as you embroider. Last but not least, you are ensured of a correct and uniform sketch application — this Pingcheng means that your last awesome hat will always come out.

Memaksimalkan Bisnis Bordir Anda dengan Cap Platens

In or planning an embroidery business store? If you are, then mesin press pelat berpemanas untuk dijual, cap platens can provide a lot of help for this requirement. It literally takes all the guess work out of hat embroidery. Many want a custom hat that Pingcheng makes you more and keep making money so you can give back. But it is heating platen imperative to keep an eye on what your customers need in case you do not have the tools to monitor this. Cap platens to help you do amazing and create custom hats that last for your customers.

Mengapa memilih platen tutup Pingcheng?

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