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moldeo por inxección vertical

Vertical injection molding is a process to manufacture plastic parts which are generally used in domestic appliances. This entails a process that uses a highly advanced machine which melts plastic pellets and feeds them into an open mold. The mold comes in many shapes: from gears to toys to medical devices. As the melted plastic cools and becomes hard, it is released from within this mold.

    Beneficios e consideracións

    PrecisionOne of the key benefits that vertical injection molding offers is precision. This means that the plastic is injected directly downwards so that even the smallest mold crevices can also be filled. This allows for very complex and detailed features to be manufactured into parts. In addition, this method is one of the most efficient and can produce a lot in very little time. Conversely, vertical injection molding requires a large sum of capital to purchase both the machine and molds, which is better for mass production situations.

    Why choose Pingcheng vertical injection molding?

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